Friday, June 22, 2007

Batikent pictures

Here are a couple of pictures of the neighborhood, Batikent, where I live. It is on the outskirts of Ankara, and thus much quieter than the center of the city. Coming home on the subway, the sky fades into rose and gold...


EM said...

very pretty! i guess the subway is above-ground?

Kathy Taylor said...


Sofiya said...

rose, gold, yellow, orange and purple!!!!!

Jessica said...

As you said, the clouds are reassuringly clouds, and very pretty. Is the air good for breathing???

Patrice said...

i, too, want to know if the air is good for breathing. because the one flaw with london is that by the end of the day, the air makes me lungs hurt.

Anonymous said...

what makes sunsets different colors in different parts of the world? probably pollution, although that's sad. other things in the atmosphere too, i guess, and the time of year. it would be fun to make an atlas of the colors of sunsets.
your class sounds v. intense, but i'm sure you're learning so much! good luck!

IreneY said...

So, what happened to Batikent pictures? I can't see them anymore. Did you erase them from the server?